This is a mid-20thC Torquay Pottery, hand painted and glazed earthenware vase.
It was made using the fine red clay discovered in the 1860s at Watcombe near Torquay in Devon (UK).
It has a deep blue Kingfisher and aqautic illustratuon and design, on high glaze finish. The bulb shaped base gives it a disntinctive and beautifully prportioned appearance. The inside is a glazed, deep brown finish.
Early 20thC Torquay Watcombe Pottery earthenware vase
It's in overall good condition; there are no apparent marks, scratches, cracks or crazing but there are two minute production blemishes, which can only be detected on very careful inspection, and a slighly rough finish near in one small patch, often a charactertistic of earthenware pottery. The colours are still deep and distinctive. The interior is in good condition.