That well used expression, that you ‘learn something new every day’ certainly holds good in this trade.
Recently we came across a beautifully decorated earthenware vase, a little worn around the rim and base, but otherwise a good vintage piece. It was not something we recognised so a little research was needed.
And what we have it seems was a piece of Brentleigh Ware. This factory, operated by Howard Pottery between 1925 and the mid-seventies, was based in Norfolk Street, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent. Products were often if not always, richly decorative yet inexpensive.
The business was initially owned by Ernest Bailey and his half-brother Douglas Bailey was later managing director. Legend has it that the factory was named after Ernest’s son – Geoffrey Howard – and the pottery after his daughter, Brenda.
Our piece appears to be a very striking 1950s example, with distinctive floral decoration on a black background.
So many pottery names have merged, been acquired, or disappeared, that brands are lost in time. We’re glad this one hasn’t disappeared.
